Dumpster Rental in Homer Glen, IL

Find The Deal Of A Lifetime On A RollOff Today

Why We Keep Improving Our Even Though We’re Number One:

Easy Dumpster Rental has over 10 years of experience has rented over a hundred thousand dumpster bins across the country. We know how to handle any project with precision and excellence.

  1. There’s no substitute for experience.
  2. We have the most sturdy and affordable bins.
  3. Try our online calculator to easily plan your next project.
  4. We can help you estimate any job easily.
  5. Renting a dumpster does not need to be hard.

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Dumpster in Homer Glen, IL?

Homer Glen dumpster rental prices can be affected by many factors such as travel distance to and from the landfill, type of material, material dumping costs, possible municipal franchise fees, and permits. Homer Glen dumpster prices range from $391 for a 10 yard dumpster up to $777 for a 30 yard dumpster. See below for a full list of Homer Glen dumpster costs:

Pricing updated on Apr 04, 2024 19:21:08

Dumpster SizeLow End*High End*
10 Yard Household$379$633
10 Yard Construction$392$641
10 Yard Concrete**$467$497
15 Yard Household$402$640
15 Yard Construction$419$661
15 Yard Concrete**$591$630
20 Yard Household$422$668
20 Yard Construction$438$682
20 Yard Concrete**$595$697
30 Yard Household$528$773
30 Yard Construction$548$787
40 Yard$620$875

*The dumpster pricing above reflects the actual costs of dumpsters rented in the Homer Glen area. Current landfill tipping costs range from $63 per ton to $95 per ton or $12 per yard to $17 per yard. Use our dumpster rental calculator to estimate the size roll off you’ll need for your household or construction project, then call us to receive your exact Homer Glen dumpster costs. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

**Concrete can be disposed of at no additional cost, however, there are factors that will cause disposal fees. These factors include the dumpster containing any other types of debris such as dirt, rebar and construction or household materials as well as access to a recycling facility in the area. For more information, please call us.

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Execute Great Savings Of Up To $100 On You Next Dumpster Rental Costs:

What happens when you go with a second-rate company? These companies lack the expertise and inventory to get you a dumpster quickly or effectively. But Easy Dumpster Rental offers both speed and efficiency.

  1. Simply relax with Easy Dumpster Rental’s lowest price guarantee.
  2. We have thousands of containers waiting for you.
  3. Let our expert have a look at your project.
  4. Online quotes move faster than fighter jets.
  5. Going to pros and finish your project early.
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10 Yard Dumpster

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15 Yard Dumpster

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20 Yard Dumpster

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30 Yard Dumpster

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40 Yard Dumpster

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Information About Homer Glen

Homer Glen is located in Cook County in proximity to the City of Chicago. One of the best things about the village though is not easy access to the city but it is its safety. The city was ranted number one for safety in Illinois by Movoto based on FBI data. This safe place to raise a family or live attracts people. The population is over twenty-four thousand inhabitants and over eight thousand houses. The village has also built a level of affluence that makes for a peaceful life, including a median income that is just under one hundred thousand dollars each year and a median house (that is occupied by its owner) of over three hundred thousand. As residents know and love, Homer Glen is full of Green spaces and even family farms that offer a relieve from the often more urban lifestyles of the area.

Renting a Rolloff Dumpster Bin in Homer Glen

These values often lead to new renovations that continue to expand businesses, renovate homes, and make new structures for additional businesses and homes. If you are considering improving your home to enjoy it more while raising its value, consider a roll-off Dumpster Bin from Easy Dumpster Rental. Easy Dumpster Rental is fast, efficient, and environmentally friendly. If you have a small business on the quickly developing Bell Road or in other parts of the village you may want to expand.  If you are a contractor building a shopping center or new homes, Easy Dumpster Rental is the choice of professionals, offering sturdy forty-cubic yard roll-off dumpster bins at the guaranteed lowest costs. Additionally, remember that smaller bins have become increasingly affordable. Small projects, like cleaning up after an event or home cleaning projects, can be very easy with a small ten-cubic yard dumpster that starts at just $299. Another great roll-off dumpster practice is community cleaning programs in which a neighborhood or street rents a communal dumpster that can be used by everyone to foment a collective cleanup of entire areas.

Green Living in Homer Glen

For the Village of Homer Glen, part of the attraction of the areas is in its environmental lifestyle that celebrates natural surroundings. Homer Glen one of the prestigious recipients of the Green Communities Demonstration Grant Award for a sum in excess of one hundred thousand dollars from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Some of the deliverables that Homer Glen is working on with the grant money include:

  • Strategies to make Home Glen a community with green spaces through a long-term plan.
  • The development of new zoning and ordinances the account for things like biodiversity, protection of the watershed, and wetlands protections.
  • The implementation of a village system of trails and other beautification projects.
  • Pulic edeuction intitiative to implant environmental agendas in children.
Recycling in Homer Glen

If you rent a dumpster in Homer Glen, it is best to separate items that can be recycled from waste that is intended for landfills. This is not just a responsible way to rent a dumpster it is the most economical route because recyclables are often processed for free while other waste costs money. By recycling things like paper boxes, frozen food boxes, newspapers and paper bags, aluminum and metal cans, junk mail, office paper, and plastic tubes, containers, trays, jugs, and containers, you can save space in your roll-off dumpster bin for other waste.

Electronic Waste

Certain things are banned from roll-off dumpsters, such as electronics. The more we upgrade our gadgets, such as computers and accessories, laptops, cable machines, copiers, printers, scanners, televisions, video game consoles, and other items, the more we pollute landfills. For this reason, the State of Illinois has banned these items from regular trash in your bin at home of a roll-off dumpster bin. So what do you do? Easy Dumpster Rental is here to make disposal easy for almost any item. If you have electronic goods that are produced from a home cleaning or garage cleanup or business remodeling, take them to the Electonic Drop-Off Center at 17112 Prime Boulevard just east of Interstate 55 in Lockport, IL 60441-1311.

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