Dumpster Rental in Wakulla Springs, FL

Capture Excellent Savings On A Roll-Off Dumpster

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At Easy Dumpster Rental, we don’t depend on heavy advertising or gimmicks to rent dumpsters. We rely on repeat business and word of mouth that only comes from proving exceptional service to every customer.

  1. Easy Dumpster Rental is the nirvana of dumpster rental.
  2. Relax with Easy Dumpster Rental.
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  4. After you click, the dumpster appears in just 48 hours or less.
  5. Let us haul your waste and troubles away.

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Dumpster in Wakulla Springs, FL?

Wakulla Springs dumpster rental prices can be affected by many factors such as travel distance to and from the landfill, type of material, material dumping costs, possible municipal franchise fees, and permits. Wakulla Springs dumpster prices range from $462 for a 10 yard dumpster up to $815 for a 30 yard dumpster. See below for a full list of Wakulla Springs dumpster costs:

Pricing updated on Mar 30, 2024 05:54:46

Dumpster SizeLow End*High End*
10 Yard Household$450$695
10 Yard Construction$435$675
10 Yard Concrete**$530$750
15 Yard Household$450$695
15 Yard Construction$435$675
15 Yard Concrete**$500$750
20 Yard Household$500$775
20 Yard Construction$495$770
20 Yard Concrete**$550$800
30 Yard Household$600$835
30 Yard Construction$595$825
40 Yard$700$925

*The dumpster pricing above reflects the actual costs of dumpsters rented in the Wakulla Springs area. Current landfill tipping costs range from $65 per ton to $95 per ton or $9 per yard to $17 per yard. Use our dumpster rental calculator to estimate the size roll off you’ll need for your household or construction project, then call us to receive your exact Wakulla Springs dumpster costs. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

**Concrete can be disposed of at no additional cost, however, there are factors that will cause disposal fees. These factors include the dumpster containing any other types of debris such as dirt, rebar and construction or household materials as well as access to a recycling facility in the area. For more information, please call us.

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Honesty is something that has been lost with time. Easy Dumpster Rental works hard to provide the lowest prices. But we also offer the most honest prices, so the price we give you is the one that you get.

  1. Easy Dumpster Rental rents premium dumpster at wholesale rates.
  2. Get a bin-unit quote as fast a Corvette.
  3. Our rates are very economical.
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10 Yard Dumpster

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15 Yard Dumpster

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20 Yard Dumpster

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30 Yard Dumpster

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40 Yard Dumpster

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Wakulla Springs and the Wakulla River

There is a state park in the Panhandle of Florida below Florida’s capital, Tallahassee, in Wakulla County called Wakulla Springs. Wakulla’s spring draws from the Floridian Aquifer and feeds the Wakulla River. The Wakulla cave is the entrance to a network of conduits, of which twelve miles have been explored. The incredible ecosystem has been a place in which prehistoric animal remains have been found, including the saber-toothed tiger, and today is the home to West Indian manatees, bald eagles, and American Alligators.

Protecting Florida’s Natural Springs

There may be as many as one thousand springs in Florida. But as populations increase in Florida and even north in Georgia, greater levels of contamination from runoff have begun to impact the natural springs. Concerns first emerged in the 1990s when the once thriving Limpkin, which looks somewhat similar to a crane, began to suddenly shrink in population size.

Springs are critical to support Florida’s wildlife and immense biodiversity. Accordingly, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection works to preserved springs in Florida. These efforts have resulted in several programs:

  • Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment: As directed by the Florida Watershed Restoration Act and the federal Clean Water Act, the Department monitors surface waters in Florida to identify surface waters that fall below-established standards.
  • Water Quality Restoration Targets:  For surface waters that are below standards, the Department establishes restoration targets and a schedule for restoration activities.
  • Implementing Restoration Activities: After targets and schedules are set to rehabilitate problematic waters, the Department works to partner with local interests to establish a basin management action plan (BMAP).
  • Outstanding Florida Springs: The Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act places special protection for Florida springs that are considered significant. The Act entitles and requires the Department to test water quality in designated Outstanding Florida Springs and provide restoration as needed. Wakulla Springs has been adopted under this program for protection and possible rehabilitation.

Great Uses for a 20-Cubic Yard Dumpster

If you have a moderate sized project, you may want to consider a twenty-cubic yard bin. Sometimes it may be difficult to estimate if you need a ten-yard or twenty-yard dumpster. Our twenty-yard dumpster container can take about eight loads from a pickup truck.  Additionally, the twenty-yard dumpster is fifteen feet by eight feet by four feet and will fit in your driveway because it is as narrow as the small ten-yard dumpster to fit into the same space on a driveway without getting in the way of vehicles and workers.  There are a number of projects that are great for the medium-sized twenty-yard dumpster:

  • Some people that are putting in new flooring in a room or two use a medium dumpster to place their old flooring.
  • If you are ripping out drywall for a medium size renovation or small construction project may require a twenty-yard dumpster.
  • Certain landscaping projects move earth or produce a large amount of yard debris that can handle extensive waste that adds up more quickly than you might expect.
  • Replacing decks or roofing often are perfect jobs for a medium twenty-yard dumpster.

What Size Dumpster Should I Get?

Always make sure by checking with our staff to make sure that you have an accurate estimate if your waste disposal needs. In addition, you can use our Easy Dumpster Rental’s Dumpster Calculator is a great tool. Just enter the type of waste you have, how much of each item you expect, and the calculator will estimate you perfect container. Easy Dumpster Rental’s conversion tables are also useful. They provide simple tables that convert will translate the estimated number of waste bins, wheelbarrows loads, or pickup truck loads into cubic yards. Easy Dumpster Rental always finds you the right dumpster for your job, so that you maximize your value.

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