Dumpster Rental in Bartlett, IL

Find Your Great Deal On A Roll-Off Dumpster Today

Why We Treat Every Customer Like A V.I.P.:

Why do some dumpster rental companies provide superior service? Easy Dumpster Rental provides the best service anywhere because we have developed the best model over the past decade.

  1. Don’t waste time, just call Easy Dumpster Renal first.
  2. We offer guaranteed great service.
  3. Online tools will help you build your project.
  4. Quotes are laser-fast and accurate.
  5. We will always put you first.

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Dumpster in Bartlett, IL?

Bartlett dumpster rental prices can be affected by many factors such as travel distance to and from the landfill, type of material, material dumping costs, possible municipal franchise fees, and permits. Bartlett dumpster prices range from $401 for a 10 yard dumpster up to $784 for a 30 yard dumpster. See below for a full list of Bartlett dumpster costs:

Pricing updated on Apr 05, 2024 00:13:32

Dumpster SizeLow End*High End*
10 Yard Household$389$637
10 Yard Construction$406$655
10 Yard Concrete**$480$611
15 Yard Household$416$649
15 Yard Construction$431$675
15 Yard Concrete**$605$646
20 Yard Household$436$681
20 Yard Construction$449$694
20 Yard Concrete**$602$711
30 Yard Household$540$784
30 Yard Construction$564$794
40 Yard$634$875

*The dumpster pricing above reflects the actual costs of dumpsters rented in the Bartlett area. Current landfill tipping costs range from $63 per ton to $95 per ton or $12 per yard to $17 per yard. Use our dumpster rental calculator to estimate the size roll off you’ll need for your household or construction project, then call us to receive your exact Bartlett dumpster costs. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

**Concrete can be disposed of at no additional cost, however, there are factors that will cause disposal fees. These factors include the dumpster containing any other types of debris such as dirt, rebar and construction or household materials as well as access to a recycling facility in the area. For more information, please call us.

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Find Fantastic Savings Now And Save Up To $120 In Costs On You Next Bin Rental:

Do you ever feel like the quality of service and the price are a seesaw in which you only get one or the other? Easy Dumpster Rental has developed a model of excellence that gives you both every time.

  1. Easy Dumpster Rental can start you at $299 for a two-ton recycling bin.
  2. Bins for a renovation, construction, or even demolition project are cheaper than you think.
  3. Our titanium solid rates area as strong as our quality containers.
  4. Our staff is here to help you, not sell you.
  5. Want a super-duper fast quote to start? Try our online quotes.
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10 Yard Dumpster

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15 Yard Dumpster

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20 Yard Dumpster

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30 Yard Dumpster

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40 Yard Dumpster

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Bartlett from its Early Origins to Today

The area that is now Bartlett was formerly inhabited by Potawatomi, Ottawa, Miami, and Cherokee Indians and has been under the rule of Spain, France, Virginia, England, and the Northwest Territory. The Village was formally founded in 1891 and has since grown from a population of less than four hundred to over forty thousand. Today, Bartlett Village is in Cook, Kane, and Dupage counties.

Recycling in DuPage County

If you are renting a dumpster, one trick to save space and money is to recycle separately. The reason this can be effective is that recycling is often recycled for free and best separated before going into the garbage. Free recycling events are held by the Couty that can be an easy way to get rid of recycling.

Dumpster Do’s and Dumpster Don’t’s

Easy Dumpster Rental is the best service provider because we can help you negotiate all of the do’s and don’t’s of renting a dumpster bin.  And one of the “don’t’s is to not put certain items in a dumpster that may be prohibited by law from landfills such as hazardous waste or electronic goods unless you have prepared it with Easy Dumpster Rental.

Electronic Waste Restriction for Dumpster Bins and Trash

Electronic goods, or e-waste, is of growing concern to environmentalists. For this reason, the State has banned a number of items, including televisions, computers, and other items, are banned from landfills and include:

  • Computers from tablets to desktops.
  • Accessories to computers, such as monitors, scanners, printers, mice, keyboards and zip drives.
  • Videocassette recorders and gaming consoles.
  • Televisions and satellite receivers.
  • Cable receivers, digital video recorders, and digital disk recorders and players.
  • Portable music players.
  • Fax Machines.
  • Cell phones.
  • Computer cable.
Where to take Electonic Waste

There are also a number of sites in DuPage County that are great for recycling of E-waste. Televisions and monitors will cost you some money to recycle.  If the television is twenty-one inches or less then you pay twenty-five dollars an thirty-five dollars for units that are more than twenty-one inches. But many other items can be recycled at no charge at the following locations:

  • The village of Lisle, which is located at 925 Burlington Ave by Parking lot B and is open every third Saturday of each month from 8 in the morning until twelve noon.
  • The city of Wheaton, which is located at 820 W. Liberty Drive at the  Wheaton Public Works Storage Lot. Recycling can be brought in on every second Saturday monthly from nine in the morning until twelve noon.  
  • The Public Works Facility at The Village of Burr Ridge at 451 Commerce Street on weekdays from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon.
  • The Environmental Collection Campus at the City of Naperville at 180 Fort Hill Drive, which is open on weekdays from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon.
  • eWorks – 1201 Estes St., Elk Grove – Mon – Fri; 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Follow signs in the parking lot then ring the bell for attendant
Getting a Permit for a Dumpster

A home construction project or renovation can be an exciting venture whether done by a homeowner or contracted out to a company. In either case, the Village of Bartlett requires a permit. These permits cover a wide range of items including things like:

  • Building a shed.
  • Building out a basement.
  • An attached or detached garage.
  • Working on a driveway or sidewalk.
  • Installing (or removing) a swimming pool or hot tub.
  • Roofing, insulation, or siding.
  • A patio, fence or even a dog run.
  • Dish antennas and electrical work.
  • Any additions to home and demolitions.

Easy Dumpster Rental is more than a bin rental company, they are also your expert consultants that have been doing this kind of work in Bartlett for over a decade. The process of permitting requires the following steps:

  1. Download and fill out a building permit application for your prospective project.
  2. Go to the Bartlett Village Building Department at 228 S. Main Street, Bartlett with your plat of survey (map of the property from your escrow), your permit application, the estimated cost of your project, and any contracts for the proposed work.
  3. Pay a permit fee.
  4. You will then be contacted within two days with a verbal response to your permit application.
It’s that easy!
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