Dumpster Rental in Liberty, TX

Dumpsters Rentals Delivered Swiftly And On Time

Why We Are Number One In Rolloff Service In Liberty:

Giving each and every customer our very best in client service is what we do best. You’ll find our team to be responsive, knowledgeable, and caring. Experience the difference with us. Call us today!

  1. No high-pressure sales tactics. We don’t need to. We are simply the best.
  2. We have dumpsters for the residential market. We can help you get it done.
  3. Deliveries are made to virtually any commercial or residential location in Liberty.
  4. Get a container quote faster than a speeding bullet. No one makes it easier than us.
  5. Great news! We are beginning same-day service in Liberty and all nearby towns and cities.

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Dumpster in Liberty, TX?

Liberty dumpster rental prices can be affected by many factors such as travel distance to and from the landfill, type of material, material dumping costs, possible municipal franchise fees, and permits. Liberty dumpster prices range from $391 for a 10 yard dumpster up to $873 for a 30 yard dumpster. See below for a full list of Liberty dumpster costs:

Pricing updated on Apr 04, 2024 22:36:49

Dumpster SizeLow End*High End*
10 Yard Household$379$634
10 Yard Construction$388$640
10 Yard Concrete**$481$698
15 Yard Household$435$689
15 Yard Construction$457$699
15 Yard Concrete**$482$697
20 Yard Household$478$725
20 Yard Construction$489$734
20 Yard Concrete**$507$715
30 Yard Household$643$888
30 Yard Construction$653$883
40 Yard$750$986

*The dumpster pricing above reflects the actual costs of dumpsters rented in the Liberty area. Current landfill tipping costs range from $85 per ton to $116 per ton or $19 per yard to $27 per yard. Use our dumpster rental calculator to estimate the size roll off you’ll need for your household or construction project, then call us to receive your exact Liberty dumpster costs. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

**Concrete can be disposed of at no additional cost, however, there are factors that will cause disposal fees. These factors include the dumpster containing any other types of debris such as dirt, rebar and construction or household materials as well as access to a recycling facility in the area. For more information, please call us.

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Save Massively With Us On Your Container Rental-Up To $150:

We guarantee the lowest rolloff rental rates in the Lone Star State. Our competitors charge so much more, we are amazed that they are still in business. Luckily for you have found our company and won’t get ripped off.

  1. Our flat-rate pricing model prevents added hidden fees or extra surcharges.
  2. Our CEO has been in the biz for over 30 years and has connections to help keep rates low.
  3. An easy to use dumpster weight calculator that helps keep costs down and get you the right bin.
  4. All of our costs are transparent. We are an open book. As your Sales Rep for more info.
  5. Don’t “WASTE” any more of your time and lets us help you get your project going.
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10 Yard Dumpster

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15 Yard Dumpster

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20 Yard Dumpster

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30 Yard Dumpster

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40 Yard Dumpster

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Recycling, Local Area Landfill And Wonderful Info About Liberty, TX

The village of Liberty sits on the banks of the Trinity River and is the third oldest city in Texas, established in 1831. The current population is 8,500 residents. The Geraldine D. Humphreys Cultural Center houses both the Humpreys-Burson Theatre and the Liberty Municipal Library. Black Panther founder Bobby Seale, Governor Marion Price Daniel, Sr., Governor of Guam Bill Daniel, and Soul Train Award Nominee Chester D.T. Baldwin are all from Liberty.  The Rec Department offers basketball courts, a pond for fishing, twelve baseball fields, a soccer field, and a splash pad. There are also shaded picnic areas with picnic tables.

Recycling Solutions

The town of Liberty is located in Liberty County. Liberty does offer weekly curbside recycling services for its citizens. You can recycle paper, tin cans, plastic milk jugs, junk mail, and magazines. You are prohibited from recycling mirrors, liquids, food waste, pizza boxes, and tires. If you would like more info, please follow this link to the City of Liberty website.

Drop Off Recycling Location
  • 25 South Dairy Road, Liberty, TX 77327.
  • Call the city for hours on (912) 880-4888.
Liberty County Landfill
  • 27869 Highway 146 N, Cleveland, TX 77327.
  • Phone: (281) 593-0206.
  • Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5.

Why You Would Look Smart Choosing Us For Your Dumpster Rental Needs in Liberty

Look, we all are sophisticated consumers. And you would be prudent in doubting anything a company says about itself. We toot our own horn because we want you to do business with us. Its the American way.

With that said, we don’t want you to think we are just blowing smoke, so we encourage you to read testimonials that our customers have sent in. They are free to do this, and we don’t push or offer incentives for them to do so.  Please go ahead and read why they think we are the best in the business. They absolutely and unconditional love us.

There are many reasons we have such an adoring fan base. We have the lowest prices on container rentals in Texas to start with. We have people in our office monitoring rates nationwide so we can be one step ahead of the competition.

But cheap prices aren’t the only quality that defines are a great company. Our services are the envy of the sanitation industry. We never have issues with late deliveries and pickups. We even offer same-day delivery service. Furthermore, we will pick up your front-end loader within 24 hours of your request. Which you can request online if you are so inclined.

And it’s nice to know when you call us you will be greeted by friendly and super smart Waste Management Consultants. These reps will do all they can to ensure you are successful and get what you need in a timely manner. So, give us a buzz today, and discover the genius of Easy Dumpster Rental.

It’s that easy!
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