Dumpster Rental in Biscayne Park, FL

Land Your Perfect Deal On An Open-Top-Bin

How We Offer The Most Dependable Service Anywhere:

What is the secret to low dumpster prices and great service? Some companies see price and service and competing interests. But Easy Dumpster Rental has developed an industry model that offers both.

  1. We guarantee our service because our business model is superior.
  2. The Easy Dumpster Rental staff will impress you.
  3. Your dumpster will arrive according to your schedule, not ours.
  4. We will take your dumpster away when it is suitable for you.
  5. Don’t get abused; get spoiled with Easy Dumpster rental.

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Dumpster in Biscayne Park, FL?

Biscayne Park dumpster rental prices can be affected by many factors such as travel distance to and from the landfill, type of material, material dumping costs, possible municipal franchise fees, and permits. Biscayne Park dumpster prices range from $462 for a 10 yard dumpster up to $835 for a 30 yard dumpster. See below for a full list of Biscayne Park dumpster costs:

Pricing updated on Apr 04, 2024 17:21:42

Dumpster SizeLow End*High End*
10 Yard Household$450$690
10 Yard Construction$427$675
10 Yard Concrete**$550$775
15 Yard Household$495$735
15 Yard Construction$465$700
15 Yard Concrete**$550$775
20 Yard Household$575$815
20 Yard Construction$550$795
20 Yard Concrete**$600$775
30 Yard Household$645$885
30 Yard Construction$625$845
40 Yard$695$935

*The dumpster pricing above reflects the actual costs of dumpsters rented in the Biscayne Park area. Current landfill tipping costs range from $75 per ton to $95 per ton or $10 per yard to $20 per yard. Use our dumpster rental calculator to estimate the size roll off you’ll need for your household or construction project, then call us to receive your exact Biscayne Park dumpster costs. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

**Concrete can be disposed of at no additional cost, however, there are factors that will cause disposal fees. These factors include the dumpster containing any other types of debris such as dirt, rebar and construction or household materials as well as access to a recycling facility in the area. For more information, please call us.

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Obtain A Great Deal On A Dumpster Rental And Save Up To $80 Or More In Costs:

Price quotes should tell you what you are going to pay, not falsely entice you with disingenuous prices. Easy Dumpster Rental offers solid, real prices that won’t change are lower than the competitors’ rates.

  1. We always underbid the competition in Florida.
  2. We offer prices that are fair and honest.
  3. Our vast inventory of bins saves you money.
  4. You will love our rollaway coupons to save even more.
  5. The best barometer of our quality is our repeat business.
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10 Yard Dumpster

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15 Yard Dumpster

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20 Yard Dumpster

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30 Yard Dumpster

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40 Yard Dumpster

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Biscayne Park From 1931 to Today and Ecology

In 1931, over one hundred citizens of the Town of Biscayne Park voted to incorporate their community, which is located in Southeast Florida. The original town was developed largely by Arthur Griffing and, in the heat of the Great Depression, separated from its contiguous neighbor, Miami. One of the more significant public works projects completed in the town by the Works Progress Administration was the building of a log cabin. The cabin embodied the historical roots of the village as well as the challenges of the economic turmoil that embroiled the country during that period and stands today as a timeless landmark of Biscayne Park.

The Biscayne Park Ecology Board

Residents of Biscayne Park and Southwest Florida live in a unique subtropical environment that is a natural habitat of one of the most diverse ecosystems in the country. The protection of this habitat is not an easy task, especially as population levels rise in Biscayne Park and Southeast Florida. To protect the local environment of Biscayne Park, the Village government established the Biscayne Park Ecology Board. The Ecology Board has five primary responsibilities:

  • To identify current and future environmental problems and to recommend solutions to these challenges.
  • To establish goals for environmental preservation and recommending strategies to realize these state goals.
  • The design and execution of studies and surveys as requested by the Village.
  • The enlistment of public support for environmental protection through outreach to a variety of educational institutions, local businesses, and organizations that can help carry out programs that are approved by the Village Commission.
  • Outside represent the Village on relevant environmental issues.
Environmental Protection in Florida’s Everglades

Those living in Biscayne Park and anywhere in southern Florida know about Florida’s breathtaking Everglades National Park.  The Everglades is a national treasure and one of the world’s natural gems in which one and one-half million acres of wetlands cover over two thousand square miles. This natural wonder is the home to alligator, turtles, herons, panther, and other exotic wildlife and eco-systems including:

  • Freshwater sloughs.
  • Marl prairies.
  • Tropical hammocks, pineland, and cypress forests.
  • Mangrove sanctuaries.
  • Coastal lowlands, marine, and estuarine habitats.

Due to the high level of biodiversity and endangered species that the Everglades, the protection of this diverse environment has become an objective of the State of Florida, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and countless organizations.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Everglades

The Environmental Protection Agency has a number of programs in Florida that attempt to preserve the environment. One of the Environmental Protection Agency’s principle efforts is to preserve the water quality of the Everglades. The water quality is primarily threatened by the presence of phosphorus in agricultural and stormwater runoff that degrades water quality. While nitrogen and phosphorus are natural in wetlands, as levels increase these chemicals become hazardous to the environment. High phosphorus levels can cause loss of natural algae, loss of oxygen-rich water that is important for aquatic life, and negatively impact plant life and the availability of wading areas for birds to feed. There are several programs to address rising phosphorus levels:

  • The Environmental Protection Agency has developed a number of best management programs that help farmers to amend their cultivation processes in a way that reduces runoff into the waters that feed into the Everglades.
  • The Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs) is a one-billion-dollar program that has constructed almost sixty thousand acres of treatment wetlands that treat water before it is released into the ecosystem through.
  • In addition, The Clean Water Act (or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 prior to its 1972 amending), requires permits for the Stormwater Treatment Areas that limit the amount of phosphorus that can be allowed into the Everglades.
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